
Reflection Friday: What are your plans after AmeriCorps?

Leah (International):After AmeriCorps I will be going to grad school to study Child Development. What will I do with it? Who knows. But my love for working with and understanding kids has brought me this far, and I'm looking forward to continuing it in hopefully unexpected ways.

Kimberly (Highlander):I will be going to school as a full time student.

Deyan (Serve Rhode Island):This summer I will be working as a camp counselor at the Norman Bird Sanctuary. Then, starting next fall, I will be going back to school at URI to get my bachelor’s degree in Wildlife & Conservation Biology so I can pursue a career as a park naturalist.

Dianny (International):Unfortunately, I don't have any concrete plans as to what I'm going to do after AmeriCorps. I believed that by this time I would have had a well thought out plan and although I had one (obviously not that well thought out), I never had any backups. For the meantime, I'm looking for a job that would help me continue to pay my student loans and allow me to go back to school next year.

Francesca (International):After my term of service ends, I'm planning on volunteering on a farm in Ireland for a portion of the summer. When I get back, my plans are slightly less definite. I've applied to a few jobs, and I'm keeping my fingers crosses on a reply!

Nellie (Highlander):My plans for after AmeriCorps are to become a substitute teacher, get my TA certification, and take classes for my youth development certificate.

Jill (Highlander):Next year, I will be attending Columbia University. I will be starting a Master's program in Education Policy.

Brandford (Highlander):My plans after Americorps is to do a final service over the summer with Social Venture Partners of Rhode Island. Following this I will be a free lance entrepreneur until its time to go to Grad School.

Itza (International):No concrete plans yet but, I think a little mystery is okay.

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