
Meet Nicole Nowak: Times2Academy

About Me:
Name: My name is Nicole Nowak.
Hometown: I am from Portland, Maine.
College attended: I attended the University of Southern Maine.
Major: I majored in Psychology.
Siblings: I am an only child.
Pets: I have Molly, an Irish Setter. A cat named Callie, and Stewart the Betta fish. 
Favorite Color: My favorite color is purple.
Hobbies: I enjoy Zumba, Yoga, cooking, and reading.
Favorite Subject in School: A favorite subject of mine is Science.

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: At TIMES2 I assist in 7th grade Science and K-1 Art.
Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps:
I chose to serve a year with Americorps to prepare and make decisions for graduate school, while gaining work experience and contributing to a great cause.

What has been your favorite part about working at Time2Academy:
Getting to know all the kids, and their very unique personalities.

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