
Meet Alenoush Hagopian: Highlander

About Me:
Name: Alenoush Hagopian
Hometown: Cranston, RI
College attended: BA –UCLA MAT- Rhode Island College
Major: Psychology, Elementary Education
Siblings: Younger Sister (Ani)
Pets: none
Favorite Color: black
Hobbies: reading, drawing, dancing (zumba)
Favorite Subject in School: social studies

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: 4th grade, Highlander Charter School

Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps:
I wanted to use my expertise as an educator to help urban youth realize their full potential academically and to make a difference at a renowned charter school, such as Highlander Charter School. 

What has been your favorite part about working at Highlander:
My favorite part about working for Highlander has been working with the diverse group of students during the after school enrichment sessions.

What do you hope to gain from your year of service:
I hope to hone my teaching skills and grow professionally as a classroom teacher.

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