
Reflection from the Teach Back Session 2

At the end of the second after school session students were able to show off some of what they had learning during their after school class in what we call at Highlander a Teach Back. The classes that volunteered to be a part of the Teach back were; Computer Gaming Class, Zumba!, Nature Art, That’s Bangin, Broadway Bound and American Sign Language. Students rotated around to each activity by grade level.

During the Zumba Teach Back students were able to learn some background of what Zumba is and its history and even got to learn some Zumba moves. Students were shown a powerpoint describing the history of Zumba, which included videos and the basics of some of the main dances used in Zumba and basic steps that was just the tip of the iceberg of what the students learned during their after school Zumba class. 

Here is a brief summary of Zumba:
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what the Zumba program is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy to follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. At Highlander Charter School, students of all ages are participating in Zumba Fitness classes for an hour each week. They are learning international dance steps, such as Salsa and Meringue, and taking part in dance-oriented games, such as “Center Star,” where students take turns being the “Star” and breaking down dance steps for everyone to follow. Students are increasing their focus and self-confidence, boosting metabolism, and enhancing coordination, all while smiling, laughing, and having a blast! 

Nature Art:

Nature Art was focused on creating artistic expression through using raw, natural materials. During teach backs for Session 2, students of Nature Art taught rotating groups of fellow students how to make prints with food. We used apples and cucumbers, along with paints to demonstrate the fruit-printing technique that the students of Nature Art had perfected and enjoyed.

That's Bangin':

During the session of That’s Bangin’ we had been working with materials that can be found that you would not normally consider as instruments.  We had practiced playing along with songs, and doing improvisation as well as battling against one another.  For the teach back we were able to put all we’ve learned to use, and play with African drums.  The students that came to us were moving to the beats, and seemed to be enjoying themselves.  When the 7th and 8th graders came around we had battles between the students in the class and people from the audience, which was great. 

American Sign Language:

During the session of American Sign Language students learned a little about the history and significance of learning ASL. Students learned signs for colors, family, occupations, numbers and the ABCs. Students rotating through the activity got a chance to learn a little about American Sign Language and what the students had learned throughout the class.

Students showed the groups rotating through the ABCS and six favorite signs that were taught during the session (grandfather, blue, daughter, black, brother and police) and numbers 1 to 10. Students were also shown some basic sentences using the signs that the students had learned. Here are an example of some of the sentences taught: 1. My mother is a teacher and likes red and white.  2. My sister likes purple and red.  3. My grandma likes yellow and orange. After the signs were showed the audience had a chance to answer any questions about what they had just seen or about American Sign Language or the deaf community. 

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