
Valentine's Dance Februrary 10th

On Friday, February 10th the Youth Advisory Board threw a Valentine’s Dance for sixth through eighth graders at Highlander Charter School. The dance was from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. The Youth Advisory Board was great hosts for the event and really made the event the great success that it was.

Hear from two members of the Youth Advisory Board about the prep for the dance and their favorite part of the dance:

Emmie Grenier 6th Grade
To prepare for the Valentine’s Dance, we had to contact donors for food and candy. Many of the donors were people we knew, like parents and relatives. Then we had to get together the decorations and make the passes to the dance. We also had to design and print out flyers and advertisements to hang up around the school. At the dance, we had multiple stations. The stations were the candy and chocolate fountain station, the photo booth, the food station, tables were students could sit and eat, and the DJ station.
The dance turned our better than I expected. The music was amazing, and the candy was delicious. The photo station had a very, very nice background. There was even someone selling glow sticks, and delicious food was at the food station! The dancing was my favorite part of the dance. Everyone was everywhere at once, dancing and dancing and dancing! The music had a really danceable beat and everyone was so happy to dance. The dance was really really fun! The decorations were perfect, too!

Angel Vidal, 6th Grade
To prepare for the valentine dance we had to find out where the materials were coming from. So thanks to Jodiana we were able to get food for the dance such as calzones and pizza. One other preparation for the dance was set up which meant setting up the streamers, music and lights. One of the hardest parts I think was setting up the stations which were the photo booth, candy bar, food table, glow stick station and the DJ booth. I think my favorite part of the dance was all of the music that was played. So in all, I think the dance turned out better than I thought it would have.

Special Thanks to:
LaSalle Bakery           Wild Flour Vegan Bakery           
Amelia Caito             Lisa Johnson
Ruth Guevara           Wilsa Galaxza
Miss Arroyo! 

The Youth Advisory Board
Valentine's Dance Slideshow

Thank you for coming!!
The Youth Advisory Board

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