
Nothing wrong with a butterfly in fall!

A Friday in the after school program at ICS means one thing...CRAFT TIME! All of our students look forward to Fridays and the projects that come with them. Then what could be better than a Friday afternoon during one of the best times of the year, fall? Fridays are full of fun crafts to do, and fall is: scented with rich spices, the sound of crunching leaves as you step, and with the vivivid colors all around. This particular Friday we (teachers and students) took time to actually notice and appreciate the wonderful happenings of nature while being creative and expressing ourselves. We made leaf animals! It was a simple project that everyone enjoyed doing and that allowed us to combined natural and man made resources in an artistic piece. The leaves ranged in size from small to large, they were of different shapes, and in a magnificent color spectrum: yellow, green, orange, red, brown, mixed colors, etc.

The project was open for students to do any animal they chose and for them to use the leaves and other supplies however they wished to do so. For those who needed a little extra help getting started, there were printouts of leaf animals for them to use. As you could imagine the array of of work created was very vast...even if there was the same animal no two projects were alike. Here you could truly say that these pieces were as unique as fingerprints! Not only that, but the different kinds of animals we had were incredible; we had mammals, insects, birds, and we even had fictitious ones. Hey, who said that butterflies aren't around during the fall? Here at ICS we had plenty to share.

- Dianny

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