
How Does Your Garden Grow?

by Leah (ICS)

The International Charter School is certainly a very unique place, and a feature that adds to that distinctiveness is the ICS Children’s Garden. The garden was started in 2007 to promote the idea of an “outdoor classroom” at ICS, and it serves to bring hands-on experience of planting and tending to a garden as well as the appreciation for where our food comes from. The kids are very proud of their garden, as it plays a significant part in the ICS student identity.

The fourth graders recently had a garden clean up day, where they plucked and pruned all of the overgrown weeds and debris that accumulated over the winter. The idea was to clear away any unnecessary stuff that might get in the way of organized planting, and they did a heck of a good job. I figure it would have taken me days if I had to do it myself…! Alright, weeks.

ICS fourth graders exerting the same energy per minute that Ms. Leah exerts per month (in joules, respectively).

The students were supplied with big bags, rakes, and brooms before they began clearing out their garden space. Then, they went to town. It was an impressive thing to watch, as I didn’t see a single kid out of the 34 total that pulled back out of boredom, laziness, or fear of the dirty-dirt. They were so into it!

I think the students were so quick to clean the garden because it’s something that they’re proud of. They know the food it yields, and that the food belongs to them. This year the fourth graders made french fries out of the potatoes they planted last year, and this spring they’ll be planting again to enjoy another treat to look forward to in fifth grade. The typical products that come out of the garden are corn, salad greens, tomatoes, sunflowers, and happiness.

This now desolate, barren flatland will soon be glowing with lush vegetable extravagance.

This garden is just another thing that makes ICS so awesome. Especially in a world so saturated with ipods, cell phones, and video games, it’s nice to have the kids connect to something of the earth. The garden is something they can call their own, and for them, that’s just one more thing that strengthens their community.

And honestly, who could say no to french fries?

After school kindergarteners admire the budding flowers that have started to grow this month…
just call them kinders in the garten.

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