
Reflection Friday: What is something memorable you heard from a student, this year?

Kimberly (Highlander):Some of the memorable things that I have heard from students are, “I love you Miss Kimmy. You’re the best.” It is memorable because it didn't just come from one student it came from many students.

Leah (International):It's hard not to hear memorable things when you work with kindergarteners in after school every day. One day a kindergartener came up to me out of the blue and, very genuinely, said "Ms. Leah you're so beautiful, can I take you home with me?" Safe to say he was disappointed when I told him I had to go back to my own house after school...

Francesca (International):The students at ICS have said many memorable things during my stay here as a Charter Corps member, but the most memorable comes from a fourth grader on the first day of school. When asked what she hoped to learn in science this year she responded, "more about the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals." I was totally blown away by her vocabulary at 9 years old.

Deyan (Serve Rhode Island):Less than a week after I started working with the students at Highlander, not one but two different 3rd grade boys came up to me and told me, “Mr. D, you’re like the big brother I’ve always wanted!” One of those 3rd graders went on to become my mentee, and we worked together to create a fabulous comic about bullying and tough decisions (featuring Ninja Turtles). I feel proud to be the honorary big brother of such a fantastic kid.

Dianny (International):The most memorable thing I have heard from a student, this year is from a kindergartener during the first days of school: "I'm rich, I'm rich, look I have money". With this economy, how much money could this kindergartener possibly have? To my surprise (and what makes it more memorable) he had a nickel. A nickel and he was rich! This is the beauty of genuinity.

Nellie (Highlander):Something memorable I heard from a student this year was I am a great role model.

Jill (Highlander):My favorite student quote was from a student in my math class. The kids made up an evil twin for me, named Phil. One of my students was gone for a few days while this was happening, and when he returned, the others told him about Phil. His response: "What do you mean, 'evil'? Phil never makes us do math. Phil is the nice twin."

Yairy (Segue):Something memorable I heard from a student this year was about how much they learned and they were happy about it.

Itza (International):"Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8(ate) 9!" Context: A group of kindergartners to second graders hearing and understanding this joke for the FIRST time. It was adorable.

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