
Reflection Friday: What is your favorite after school activity you've run, this year?

Nellie (Highlander):My favorite after school activity that I've taught this year was Garage Band. I loved being able to teach basic skills about the program and give suggestions but it was very student driven. The students were able to help and provide constructive criticism to their peers and showcase their work.

Leah (International):My favorite after school activity I've run this year has been my Brianteaser class, which has expose students to many different and unique ways of thinking. The theme of the class is "thinking outside the box", as we have done rebus and logic puzzles, optical illusions, and impulse control games among others. The kids really seem to enjoy the class, even finding more riddles and puzzles on their own to share with everyone!

Deyan (Serve Rhode Island): I've mentioned before that Pokémon Showdown holds a special place in my heart, but another of my favorites was Create-A-Creature. The reason Create-A-Creature was such a success is because I was able to work together with my students to perfect the curriculum. While I had imagined my students drawing and writing about their invented animals, they had loftier plans in mind: clay dioramas! I love when my students speak up about what they want so I can find ways to make it happen.

Francesca (International): My favorite after school activity I've run this year was during Urban Garden Club. The night before the club, I ventured to local beaches where I picked up earth materials such as twigs, branches, rocks, leaves and shells, which I brought to class the next day for my students to build garden tools with. They were extremely creative with products ranging from rakes to watering cans.

Yairy (Segue): My favorite after school activity I led this year, along with another member, was volleyball. We led it twice this year.

Dianny (International): My ultimate favorite activity that I have run this year is the science club. I enjoy science club because you don't need to be a genius or a student in an upper grade level to experience the art of science and learn the scientific method through hands-on and fun science experiments, the only thing you need is a spark of curiosity! I also enjoy how even some of our most difficult kids are having a blast and are excited about future experiments.

Jill (Highlander): My favorite after school program this year was the retro gaming class because it brought together kids from all grade levels to enjoy fun activities.

Brandford (Highlander): I don't have a favorite after school program. I enjoyed all of the after school opportunities afforded to me. Each activity provided its own obstacle, excitement, and memorable times. Overall the students have been a pleasure and brought something special to each of my after school activities.

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