
Reflection Friday: What is something great you've done with technology, this year?

Francesca (International): Because every room at International Charter School is equipped with a projector and iPad, I am lucky enough to use them during my after school program, Wellness. Watching my elementary school students synchronously perform step aerobics was pretty amazing for them and myself.

Leah (International): Something great I've done with technology this year has been using our Nexus 7 tablets to make recordings of the students for our Books on Tape project. This service project produced an impressive binder of poetry that was read and illustrated by the kids at ICS. The recording app was very easy to use, and the kids did great!

Nellie (Highlander): Something great that I have done with technology this year is helping my teacher track student progress using Metryx. This was important when we were studying this book. Another good thing that I did with technology was share music and lyrics as part of my lesson with them.

Kimberly (Highlander): Some great things that I have done with technology are holding an after school lesson with the smart board having the students grow a plant controlling heat and the amount of water that they put in. It had to be an even amount of both water and Sunlight so that the plant grows to its full beauty. The students were excited and had a great time while at the same time they learned the importance of growing plants and how there had to be a balance of both water and Sun to grow their plant.

Deyan (Serve Rhode Island): While I was working at Highlander, I ran an after school program called Pokemon Showdown, where students had a chance to build their own Pokemon teams and challenge each other using an online video game simulator. As they built their teams, they learned how to use an online database (the Smogon Strategy Pokedex) to research the Pokemon and strategies they were using. Playing Pokemon may seem like just fun and games, but the online research skills my students gained will benefit them for years to come!

Itza (International): With the greatest tool, my camera, I've captured so many sweet moments, funny faces, and awe inspiring accomplishments from my students.

Dianny (International): Unfortunately, at my school site we don't have the technological resources to be able to do "great technological things". We don't have smart boards, iPads, or classroom computers that actually work. The only technological resource we have is a prehistoric computer lab with about 19 laptops for the entire school's use. But soon this is going to change!

Yairy (Segue): Something great I've done with technology this academic year is learning about the site that allows you to track students.

Jill (Highlander): This year my students earn iPad time when they have a good week in after school. They enjoy doing Academic enrichment on the iPads.

Brandford (Highlander): The sixth grade classroom that I serve in has been able to benefit from the use of technology with the implementation of the MyMetryx system. Students have been able to monitor their progression in literacy. I use MyMetrix to track my students in fluency, reading comprehension, and tone/articulation. This is useful because students can see the areas that they need improvement in and work to improving them.

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