
Charter Corps Gets Technical

Charter Corps members are getting the chance to use some brand-new technology in their classrooms!

Metryx, a formative assessment tool developed by Shawn Rubin, founding teacher and resident tech guru at Highlander Charter School, is being rolled out by team members to help target and differentiate instruction with their students. Members attending training this morning, then got to take their shiny new Nexux 7s back to their service sites to put everything to work.

Formative assessment is informal assessment that a teacher conducts during instruction to help determine what a student is learning and struggling with. It is meant to provide data that informs the teacher of how to go about adjusting their techniques and serves as a basis for reflecting on their methods.

Metryx is a highly customizable web-based application that allows an instructor to build a roster of students, input subjects, skills, and skill sets based on exactly what students are learning at any given time, quickly and easily assess those skills, compare and track data over time, and differentiate instruction. It will help Charter Corps members meet their performance objectives. Most importantly, it will ensure that the students we serve improve on their skills.

It was a rough start to the morning with technical difficulties in abundance, but it's important to remember that with any new technology, patience typically pays off. Educational technology, in particular, is set to revolutionize the way teachers teach and students learn. We've waited this long! Special thanks to Shawn for getting us there! ;)

Charter Corps members learn the ins and outs of Metryx:

Shawn making sure we're all on board:

by: Jill Marie

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