
It's Election Time!

By: Dianny

The spirits are high, promises are on the rise, and ballots are set to go! Ladies and gentlemen, I hope your ID cards are ready because it's election time here at ICS. Some of our 5th grade students are running in the elections for student council. Yes, it sounds ordinary but elections here are taken seriously and they are far from common. The student council' s elections are the topic of the month and everyone is talking about it! They are so extraordinary they deserve their own blog post.

Running for office is not easy...our students sure do know that! Before running for office our students had to apply for a position and submit it. Then they had to write a speech that they would recite in front of the 3rd graders, 4th graders, and their 5th grade classmates; think about anxiety. Not only that, but they had to highlight their entire campaign on a poster board to display in the school's cafeteria for every teacher, staff member, parent, and student in the school to read. If you think that these poster boards are the usual boring spiel about why the voter should consider the runner for office...you might reconsider it. Their promises might not be exactly achievable but these posters are really creative; some of them are even hilarious.

The poster that grabbed most of my attention was one of a student running for treasurer. He talked about honesty which is a big detail when talking about money. His poster was all about the money: it was green, it had pictures of 20 dollar bills, dollar bill signs, etc. In addition, the slogans he used were one of the best they said, "In Quincy we trust" and "Loyalty is my middle name". But the funniest thing about his poster was a phrase that said, "This bunnies mother trusted me so can you" pointing to his campaign picture in which he was holding a bunny. I just hope that for the 2016 presidential campaign, our presidential candidates have some of the sense of humor that these students have.
Wishing the best of luck to the students in their campaign. Let our community choose who deserves to be in office.

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