
Come Visit the Carboniferous Period!

By: Deyan

In the last session of after school at Highlander Charter School, a group of 2nd to 4th graders traveled 300 million years into the past to explore the Carboniferous Period with Mr. D! Over the course of the activity, we used Hanner Bonner's awesome book, When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and Terapods Stalked the Earth, to investigate steamy coal swamps, giant bugs, and the evolution of land-dwelling amphibians and reptiles. Then, on he very last day, the class had an opportunity to make brochures advertising the Carboniferous Period as the ultimate vacation destination. Check out what some of them had to say:

Ava made sure to look in the book to check her facts

Ruziah paid lots of attention to little details in her brochure

Steven made sure his brochure was colorful and fun

If that doesn't make you want to hop in your time machine and check out the Carboniferous period, I don't know what will!

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