
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

By: Dianny

Perhaps, that warm heavy feather-filled coat of yours is still hiding in the back of your closet accumulating more and more dust. Something is clearly wrong with that picture, it's December and that coat is still hanging! Well hang in there because low temperatures and snow are not yet in our weather forecast. Bizarre, right? Well, maybe you can put that coat to use by taking a stroll through one of our ICS' hallways.

That is because, our students were thinking in the subzero temperatures when doing one of their latest activities. If the snow doesn't come to us, we bring it to us! On Friday we were thinking of snow and of the fun things we like to do when it is cold outside! We made and decorated a snowflakes snowman. Our snowman is made out of individual snowflakes and in addition, there are personalized snowflakes surrounding it. Each student cut out their own snowflake with whatever pattern they chose and proceeded to decorate it with glitter and markers. Each snowflake also had a little message that the students wrote about the things they like doing when it is cold outside and/or snowing. One of my ultimate favorites was one that read as "Hot cocoa". For a kindergardener that's not bad...well, this isn't bad for anyone. A cup of hot cocoa warms anyone's soul!

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