
2nd Grade Responses to the Question of the Week

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

1. I would want to be able to fly because then I can fly away from the bad guys
2. I would want to have x-ray vision because if someone is hiding I can know where they are at.
3. I would want to have super strength so that if someone is stuck under a heavy object or animal I can help them.
4. I would want to be able to teleport so I can go wherever I want when I want to.
5. I would want to be able to read peoples mind because then I could hear if they said something else or have super speed so that I can go really fast.
6. I would want to be able to transform so I can turn into anything.
7. I would want to be able to talk super speedy because I would be able to tell jokes really fast and they would be even funnier than they already are and my maniacal laugh would sound even better.
8. I would want to make stuff talk so I don’t be lonely.


Join us this Friday!

Question of the Week: If you could have any Superpower what would it be and why?

If you could have any Superpower what would it be and why?

Nicole: (Charter Corps at Times2 Academy)
I would like to fly, so I would never get stuck in traffic, and most likely never be late!

Natalie: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I would like to be able to teleport because I hate flying on airplanes!

Tiffany: (2nd Grade Teacher Highlander)
I would want to be able to spray glitter from my wrist, so I can glitterize everything.

Alenoush: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
teleportation so I can go wherever I want when I want

Adrianna: (Highlander After school Coordinator)
I would want to be able to fly because its faster to get where I want to go, I wouldn't have to drive and its just plan awesome.

Nellie: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I would want to be able to teleport because I can go where I want whenever I want to.

Alyssa: (Highlander After school Coordinator)
I would want to be able to read minds, just think of all the stories you would hear, but of course I would be able to exit their minds whenever I want.

Rachel: (Charter Corps at Times2 Academy)
If I were to have a super power, it would be mind-reading. But not like the kind you see in movies where you can't block people out. It would make life so much more interesting to know people's thoughts and feelings.

Jill: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I would want to be able to fly because it would be awesome.

Sophia: (Highlander After school Coordinator)
I would want to be able to teleport so I don't have to pay for gas.

John: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I would be a robot because then I would not have to sleep and would be immortal.

Kirsten: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I would be telekinetic so that I could get things that were out of my reach.

Cyntoya: (Charter Corps at Times2 Academy)
I would want to be able to control time (freeze time) so that I could pause events, activities, parties, cookouts, etc. instead of being late or speed up time if I'm bored. 

Leah: (Charter Corps at Times2 Academy)
I would want the ability to apparate! This magical mode of transportation comes from Harry Potter world, in which a person instantaneously teleports from one location to another on the turn of a heel. I would want to be able to apparate without the usual wizarding risks (undesired locations, missing limbs, etc). I could travel anywhere I want in but a moment's time! The Wizarding World of Harry Potter would be my first stop, obviously.

Leigh: (Charter Corps at Times2 Academy)
I would want to be able to stretch to reach things, so I don't have to stand on chairs to get to the top shelf! 

Lissette: (Charter Corps at Highlander)
I want to be in two places at once, this way I can get more things done and enjoy double the fun!

* Feel free to comment below your answer to the question of the week!!!! *

Meet Jill Willette: Highlander

About Me:
Name: Jill Willette
Hometown: Cary, North Carolina
College attended: UNC (Go Heels!)
Major: English Literature and Philosophy
Siblings: 4 Sisters, 1 Brother
Pets: I have the cutest dog. Her name is Daisy!
Favorite Color: Green
Hobbies: I love to read, write, and watch TV. I really enjoy cooking.
Favorite Subject in School: Reading

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: 4th Grade at Highlander
Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps: MYOB
What has been your favorite part about working at Highlander:
I love being able to plan activities for afterschool!

What do you hope to gain from your year of service: I hope to get some good experience working with kids in the classroom. (So far, so good!)


Times2 Academy After school Activities

Read a short summary of some of the great after school activities that are happening at Times2 Academy this session: 

Students will explore fun and challenging puzzles, games, and brainteasers that really make you think! They will practice creating brainteasers of their own and share jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters each week.

Science of Happiness: 
In this class students will learn various ways to improve their mood and increase happiness throughout the day by using mindfulness, meditation, and positive thinking skills. Students will learn what truly makes the, happy, and simple fun ways to increase our levels of happiness through laughter, games, crafts, and other fun activities!

Students will participate in activities related to their favorite Disney movies and learn about Disney characters. Activities will include making Lion King masks, writing Buzz and Woody letters to best friends, making Disney bookmarks, and learning songs from the movies.

Card Games: 
Students will learn various playing card games to challenge their friends, including math games, magic tricks, UNO, and house of cards competitions. Students so far have played the game spoons and spit.
Students will learn the basics of cheerleading including cheers, jumps, dances, and stunts. We will choreograph and perform our own routine, make hair bows, and more!

Storytelling Yoga:
Students will learn Yoga poses and relaxation techniques through interactive stories and games. Unwind from the busy school day by learning yoga poses that go along with your favorite stories.

Students will chat with other students from across the world through email. We will learn about other schools, cultures, and countries from your pen pal.

Meet Cyntoya Simmons: Times2 Academy

About Me:
Name: Cyntoya Simmons
Hometown: East Providence
College attended: the University of Rhode Island
Major: Journalism and Leadership Minor
Siblings: one little brother
Pets: none
Favorite Color: RED
Hobbies: writing and shopping
Favorite Subject in School: English and Social Studies

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: 8th grade Science class at Times Squared Academy
Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps: to better myself as well as those I would potentially be working with.

What has been your favorite part about working at Time2Academy:
My favorite part of working at Times Squared Academy is the students. From seeing their faces when they finally understand something to teaching them a lesson and watching them follow through with it. All those moments have already made this a great experience.

What do you hope to gain from your year of service:
I hope to gain perspective; working in this setting is helping me figure out what I want to do with my life and what I want to go to graduate school for.


Meet Lissette Berrios: Highlander

About Me:
Name: Lissette M. Berrios-Pagan
Hometown: Florida, PR
College attended: University of Puerto Rico
Major: Hotel Management
Siblings: 1
Pets: 0
Favorite Color: Yellow
Hobbies: Listen to music, shopping
Favorite Subject in School: English and Math

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: KB @ Highlander Charter School

What has been your favorite part about working at Highlander:
Building a professional relationship with the students

What do you hope to gain from your year of service:
Experience working with youth