
Meet Jill Willette: Highlander

About Me:
Name: Jill Willette
Hometown: Cary, North Carolina
College attended: UNC (Go Heels!)
Major: English Literature and Philosophy
Siblings: 4 Sisters, 1 Brother
Pets: I have the cutest dog. Her name is Daisy!
Favorite Color: Green
Hobbies: I love to read, write, and watch TV. I really enjoy cooking.
Favorite Subject in School: Reading

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: 4th Grade at Highlander
Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps: MYOB
What has been your favorite part about working at Highlander:
I love being able to plan activities for afterschool!

What do you hope to gain from your year of service: I hope to get some good experience working with kids in the classroom. (So far, so good!)

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