
Meet Kerry DaCruz: Times2 Academy

About Me:
Name: Kerry DaCruz
Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island
College attended: CCRI
Major: Teaching
Siblings: 1 sister
Pets: none
Favorite Color: purple/orange
Hobbies: listen to music/baking
Favorite Subject in School: Languages

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: Kindergarten at Times2 Academy.

Why did you choose to serve a year with AmeriCorps:
I choose to serve a year with AmeriCorps so that I can gain experience working with kids, but also get to know what AmeriCorps life is all about.

What has been your favorite part about working at Time2Academy:
My favorite part is just being with the kids. I just love having the opportunity to teach kids.

What do you hope to gain from your year of service:
I hope to gain a lot of experience to become a teacher in the future and to be able to have a class of my own.

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