
Meet Rachel Gibson: Times2 Academy

About Me:
Name: Rachel Gibson
Hometown: East Providence
College attended: (attending) Rhode Island College
Major: Undecided
Siblings: 1 brother (11 yrs) - Caleb
Pets: None L
Favorite Color: Black/White
Hobbies: reading, volunteering, poetry
Favorite Subject in School: Math

Service Year:
Grade and School that you serve at: 3rd Grade (Math) - TIMES2 Academy

Why did you choose to serve a year with Americorps:
While taking time out of school to work out a medical issue, I wanted to still do something in the meantime, that I have great interest in and would benefit me through experience. I love children and I love helping them learn, so I have so much to gain through this experience.

What has been your favorite part about working at Time2Academy: Having fun with the kids and being a part of the school and classrooms!

What do you hope to gain from your year of service: A greater love and understanding of learning.

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